Lilies are again in the spotlight for four days!
For four days lilies will again be the centre of attention. In 2019 the second-ranking bulb flower in the Netherlands will again be given its own stage: the Dutch Lily Days. It’s a stage that grows in popularity each year. It’s not a coincidence that the Dutch Lily Days are set early in the calendar of local and foreign bulb growers, forcing companies and dealers. The dates for 2019 are: Tuesday to Friday, June 4 to 7, with at least 14 participating companies.
Lilies have always been in demand. But the Dutch Lily Days have drawn attention to this flower again. On all fronts, developments are accelerating. Lily breeders have taken great steps to perfect their assortment. The trade constantly receives updates about promising novelties. Pot lilies and double-bloomed cut lilies are creating new market segments. At the end of the chain, florists and consumers are enthusiastic participants.
This makes the Dutch Lily Days an ideal benchmark for the state of affairs. It’s a moment to contemplate and revise the assortment. Or to discuss trends, chart market opportunities and network. Are you coming to the week that traditionally precedes the Flower Trials? Hope to see you at the ninth Dutch Lily Days!