Great interest in new participant and new trends in lilies

The Dutch Lily Days, which are being organised from 6 to 9 June 2023, are the premiere event to discover the latest trends. A particular focus lies on pollen-free and double-bloomed varieties, and the various participants are looking forward to proudly showing you their innovations. Another important theme is the never-ending search for resistant – and thus more sustainable – lily varieties.

Pollen-free lilies are growing in popularity, with both consumers and florists. Sustainability is and remains another important point. The retail sector keeps setting stricter conditions on the use of crop protection and demands the cleanest possible bulbs and flowers. That presents an interesting challenge for breeders!

Improvement and added value
The global demand for lilies seems to be stabilising. For years, it has been one of the most popular flowers in the world, with a known unique value in many countries. A realistic prediction suggests that the demand is unlikely to grow much more. In the last ten to fifteen years, growth was only achieved by entering new markets, like China and Vietnam. In the existing markets where lilies have been extremely popular for a long time, saturation seems to have been reached, even occasionally a lessening of demand. To keep up the global demand for lilies, we have to search continuously to improve the assortment and add value. Attractive innovations, like the pollen-free and double-bloomed varieties, are supporting that trend.

New participant
Innovation is undoubtedly one of the most important topics of conversation during the Dutch Lily Days. The 14 participating companies each have their own story to tell. Bonne Boots from the new participant Boots Flowerbulbs is eagerly anticipating the event. “I believe in the power of the collective and consider collaboration with colleagues in the marketing of lilies to be essential. That is why we are delighted to be participating in the Dutch Lily Days.”
