Versatile bulb flower gets its own stage for four days again
As a single-variety bunch or incorporated in a bouquet, scented or not, single or double-bloomed: it is this versatility of lilies that continues to attract a large loyal following in the Netherlands, as well as in the neighboring countries. With the Dutch Lily Days the lily-growing Netherlands has its own stage to display this versatility over four days. The ninth edition of the event runs from Tuesday to Friday, June 4 – 7.
This multifunctional use of lilies explains why the flower is so appealing in countries around the world. Every place can have lily varieties that match what the local consumers would prefer to have. Many lilies star in bouquets, where the huge flower brings an air of exclusivity to the arrangement. Single-variety bunches always remain popular, especially given the range of forms of the flowers. The variation extends further than just the form (like single or double-bloomed, Orientals, LAs or Longiflorums) and is focusing on properties like scent and pollen dispersion. These preferences can vary from one country to another.
International interest
The ninth Dutch Lily Days can count on significant international interest. A survey among previous visitors revealed that the formula is still appealing. ‘There are always visitors coming in who are not already your customers. And that always leads to something,’ said one of the participants in the survey. It also became clear that the largest international growth in sales was declining slightly. Countries like China and Vietnam, which were being touted as coming markets for lilies, are now expanding cultivation at a slower rate.
With fourteen participants the Dutch Lily Days again present a perfect sampling of the state of the art for this flower. The dates – Tuesday to Friday, June 4 – 7 – can easily be combined with an even greater event for Dutch horticulture, the Flower Trials.
Participating companies
The Dutch Lily Days are exclusively accessible to fellow specialists. They are welcome from Tuesday to Friday, 4 – 7 June 2019, to visit P. Aker, Van den Bos Flowerbulbs, Bot Flowerbulbs, De Jong Lelies, Lily Company, Mak Breeding, Onings Holland, C. Steenvoorden, GAV’s Lilies, Gebr. Vletter & Den Haan, VWS Flowerbulbs, World Breeding, Zabo Plant and Royal van Zanten.